Ng-Thow-Hing, K. Thórisson, R. K. Sarvadevabhatla, J. Wormer, V., T. List, “The Cognitive Map architecture for facilitating human-robot interaction in humanoid robots”, submitted for IEEE RAM Special Issue on Software Engineering for Robotics, 2008.
Ng-Thow-Hing, V., T. List, K. Thórisson, J. Lim, J. Wormer, “Design and Evaluation of Communication Middleware in a Humanoid Robot Architecture”, in IROS 2007 Workshop on Measures and Procedures for the Evaluation of Robot Architectures and Middleware, Oct. 29, 2007, San Diego, CA, 2007.
List, T., J. Bins, J. V. and R. B. Fisher, “Performance Evaluating the Evaluator”, Proc. Workshop VS-PETS, Beijing, 2005
Hall, D., P. Ribeiro, E. Andrade, P. Moreno, S. Pesnel, T. List, R. Emonet, R.B. Fisher, J. Santos Victor and J.L. Crowley, “Comparison of target detection algorithms using adaptive background models”, Proc. Int. Workshop VS-PETS, Beijing, 2005
Thórisson, K. R., T. List, C. Pennock, J. DiPirro, “Whiteboards: Scheduling Blackboards for Semantic Routing of Messages & Streams”, Proc. Int. Conf AAAI05, 2005
Thórisson, K. R., T. List, J. DiPirro, C. Pennock, “A Framework for A.I. Integration”, Reykjavik University Department of Computer Science Technical Report, RUTR-CS05001, 2005
List, T., J. Bins, R. B. Fisher, D. Tweed, K. R. Thórisson, “Two approaches to a plug-and-play vision architecture – CAVIAR and Psyclone”, Proc. Int. Workshop at AAAI05, 2005
List, T., J. Bins, R. B. Fisher, D. Tweed, “An Intelligent and Task-independent Controller for Video Sequences Analysis”, Proc. Int. Workshop IEEE CAMP05, 2005
List, T., J. Bins, R. B. Fisher, D. Tweed, “A Plug-and-Play Architecture for Cognitive Video Stream Analysis”, Proc. Int. Workshop IEEE CAMP05, 2005
List, T., R. B. Fisher, “Computer Vision Markup Language”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Rec., Cambridge, Vol 1, pp 789-792, 2004
Thórisson, K. R., C. Pennock, T. List, J. DiPirro, “Artificial Intelligence in Computer Graphics: A Constructionist Approach”, Computer Graphics Quarterly, February 2004, 26-30. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2004.